The mechanisms of plant escape, avoidance and tolerance ( Figure 4 ) against drought stress are discussed as follows. The BalaAzucena population offers exciting challenges to both plant physiologists and geneticists to collaborate in elucidating the importance of different mechanisms of drought resistance in the context of contrasting droughting environments and to make real progress in identifying genomic regions (for breeders) or even candidate genes involved in these crucial processes. Drought Stress Impacts on Plants and Different Approaches to. The lower one is near 80cM and is associated with marker G1085 in the BalaAzucena. There is variation in the degree to which the leaves of rice roll in response to low water potential (Dingkuhn et al., 1989; Turner et al., 1986a). Signals and Signal Transduction Pathways in Plants Klaus Palme 2012-12-06 Plants offer exciting opportunities to understand major biological questions, i.e. Annu Rev Plant Physiol Plant Mol Biol 52:561591, Gill SS, Tuteja N (2010) Reactive oxygen species and antioxidant machinery in abiotic stress tolerance in crop plants. Plants often encounter unfavorable environmental conditions because of their sessile lifestyle. Physiol Plantarum 87:223226, Ranieri A, Bernardi R, Lanese P, Soldatini GF (1989) Changes in free amino acid content and protein pattern of maize seedlings under water stress. A plastic photosynthetic adaptation to arid environments. The possession of a deep and thick root system which allows access to water deep in the soil profile is considered crucially important in determining drought resistance in upland rice and substantial genetic variation exists for this (Ekanayake et al., 1985b; Fukai and Cooper, 1995; O'Toole, 1982; Yoshida and Hasegawa, 1982). imparts cellular adaptation in response to dehydration stress. Indeed, screening for stomatal behaviour using infrared imaging techniques has previously been used in laboratory screens for ABAinsensitive mutants in barley (Raskin and Ladyman, 1988) and for studying the stomatal functionality of Arabidopsis mutants (Gray et al., 2000). doi:10.1029/2007WR006331, Wada Y, Van Beek L, Bierkens MF (2011) Modelling global water stress of the recent past: on the relative importance of trends in water demand and climate variability. J Plant Physiol 162:465472, Koussevitzky S, Suzuki N, Huntington S, Armijo L, Sha W, Cortes D, Shulaev V, Mittler R (2008) Ascorbate peroxidase 1 plays a key role in the response of Arabidopsis thaliana to stress combination. Yet others consider drought resistance in terms of survival of drought conditions, rather than productivity. Definition and Characteristics of drought resistant plants, Morphological Characters of drought resistant plants, Shrubs Arrangement, Classification, Selection, Planting, How to Come Up with a Farm Name Best Ideas & Tips. Front Physiol 4:17, CAS This is partly due to the greater abundance of these aerobic organisms in drier soils (hence not a major problem in flooded rice in any season). One of the two varieties that were used as parents to produce Bala at the Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack, India, namely N22 (Chaudary and Rao, 1982), was tested, however, and was much less water use efficient than Azucena. Many studies have elucidated molecular responses in plants related to drought-induced transcription signaling pathways. Plants have evolved a series of mechanisms at the morphological, physiological, biochemical, cellular, and molecular levels to overcome water deficit or drought stress conditions. Molecular linkage map with RFLP and microsatellite markers indicated (AFLP marker names omitted) of the BalaAzucena population showing quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for root length, thickness or penetration ability. Field Crops Res 101:6871, Zhou Y (2013) Drought resistance of turf bermudagrasses (Cynodon spp.) Int J Commons 4:452480, Reddy AR, Chaitanya KV, Vivekanandan M (2004) Drought-induced responses of photosynthesis and antioxidant metabolism in higher plants. Drought - Impacts and Management, Submitted: December 13th, 2021 Reviewed: January 19th, 2022 Published: March 14th, 2022, Edited by Murat Eyvaz, Ahmed Albahnasawi, Mesut Tekba and Ercan Grbulak, Total Chapter Downloads on In this study, since we used DFI as the variable for drought tolerance parameter, the QTLs detected in this study was associated with drought tolerance mechanism. However, few of these mechanisms have been effectively evaluated for their contribution to yield under stress in rice, and most have not been analysed in the mapping population. It is often difficult or impossible to distinguish these two and this must be remembered when choosing indicators of drought stress. Plant J 23:319327, Yang W, Kong Z, Omo-Ikerodah E, Xu W, Li Q, Xue Y (2008) Calcineurin B-like interacting protein kinase OsCIPK23 functions in pollination and drought stress responses in rice (Oryza sativa L.). 6) apparently in excess of that needed to sustain photosynthesis, since NPT Pmax was actually lower than that of IR72. This is illustrated in Fig. It is suggested that early-season drought conditions may select for drought avoidance traits such as low WUE and early reproduction, whereas later drought selects for tolerance trait such as high WUE. The objective in studying component traits is to be able to identify genomic regions contributing to a trait which theoretically will improve drought resistance. There seems to be ample evidence that rice varieties or even progenies of segregating populations which have better root systems assessed in controlled environment experiments do perform better in the field under drought in terms of visual drought avoidance (Ekanayake et al., 1985b; Champoux et al., 1995; Price et al., 1997). Subsequently, the population was advanced by single seed descent to an F6 of 205 recombinant inbred lines (Price et al., 2000). Tap here to review the details. There is certainly an opportunity to study carbon isotope discrimination as an indicator of water use efficiency (Dingkuhn et al., 1991b), nonstomatal resistance (O'Toole and Cruz, 1983) and possibly both staygreen ability and photosynthetic response to high light under stress (Horton, 2000). does it keep the deep soil wet) and the very bright (often cloudless), hot and dry climatic conditions which may cause substantial physiological stress in the shoots even if there is adequate access to water. In winter wheat, both avoidance and tolerance features are important for drought resistance. 5), with greater enrichment generally found in Bala rather than Azucena. Research efforts through this approach are progressing in other crops i.e., sugarcane, legumes and wheat [70, 71, 72]. Drought Stress Impacts on Plants and Different Approaches to Alleviate Google Scholar, Turner NC, Wright GC, Siddique K (2001) Adaptation of grain legumes (pulses) to water-limited environments. Using a leaf excision test, the rate of leaf rolling and stomatal closure was also mapped in that F2 population (Price et al., 1997b). Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, Nadia,WestBengal, India. In the case of the glass chamber experiments (indicated GC), only QTLs which were apparent when data from wellwatered and nonwatered plants were averaged are presented. Plants also face challenges from biotic factors like pathogens, insects etc. Osmotic adjustment also plays role in recovery of metabolic activities post drought stress [23]. Visual effects of drought stress in rice. Morphological and Physiological Plant Responses to Drought - Hindawi Euphytica 166:291305, Larcher W (2003) Physiological plant ecology: ecophysiology and stress physiology of functional groups. Mol Plant 2:7383, Bowler C, Mv Montagu, Inze D (1992) Superoxide dismutase and stress tolerance. Previous study about different crop species faces huge yield reduction due to drought stress (Table 1). Varying the content of Rubisco may be an important strategy for ensuring adequate N reserves for grain fill in certain rice varieties (Horton and Murchie, 2000). These types of abiotic and biotic factors limit plants growth and productivity. The contribution of rootgrowth QTLs to drought avoidance appears small in the experiments so far conducted, and the limitations of screening methodologies and the involvement of shootrelated mechanisms of drought resistance are studied. These are briefly described below: 1. Flora Morphol Distrib Funct Ecol Plants 200:332338, Ogburn R, Edwards EJ (2010) The ecological water-use strategies of succulent plants. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences Crop Adaptation under Drought (Part 1) - YouTube Euphytica 163:203214, Bartels D, Sunkar R (2005) Drought and salt tolerance in plants. A number of studies have suggested that leaf N is a good proxy for Rubisco activity, and the importance of evaluating Rubisco allocation and light use for rice in the field is discussed. Experiments using Bala indicate several mechanisms of drought resistance that might be expected to differ with Azucena. Curr Opin Plant Biol 5:250257, Yeo ET, Kwon HB, Han SE, Lee JT, Ryu JC, Byu M (2000) Genetic engineering of drought resistant potato plants by introduction of the trehalose-6-phosphate synthase (TPS1) gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The non-living variable must impact the environment beyond its normal range of variation to unfavorably affect the population performance or individual physiology of the organism in a significant way. Environ Exp Bot 29:351357, Thomas H, James A (1993) Freezing tolerance and solute changes in contrasting genotypes of Lolium perenne L. acclimated to cold and drought. Champoux MC, Wang G, Sarkarung S, Mackill DJ, O'Toole JC, Huang N, McCouch SR. Causse M, Fulton TM, Cho YG, Ahn SN, Chunwongse J, Wu K, Xiao J, Yu Z, Ronald PC, Harrington SB, Second GA, McCouch SR, Tanksley SD. Theor Appl Genet 90:969981, Ali MA, Abbas A, Niaz S, Zulkiffal M, Ali S (2009) Morpho-physiological criteria for drought tolerance in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) at seedling and post-anthesis stages. Springer, Netherlands, Dixon R, Wright G, Behrns G, Teskey R, Hinckley T (1980) Water deficits and root growth of ectomycorrhizal white oak seedlings. Various drought-related traits, including root traits, leaf traits, osmotic adjustment capabilities, water potential, ABA content, and stability of the cell membrane, have been used as indicators to evaluate the drought resistance of plants. Drought escape is most common in case of plants grown in desert regions. Dry season screens appear to be particularly prone to rootdamaging pests such as mites, termites and nematodes. Azucena was shown to be the 12th worst variety of the 61 tested while Bala was the 10th best. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. (1995) reported leaf rolling QTLs in all growth stages in the same location. Drought Avoidance: Some plants are able to endure periods of water deficit while they still maintain a high tissue water potential. This mechanism is also called drought avoidance. There is some evidence that the regions of chromosomes 5, 7, 9, and 11 that affect root growth also affect performance under drought. For (Merewitz & Huang, 2013), which may play a key role during differ- instance, in the Southwest Florida Water Management District ent stages of drought (Carrow, 1996a). Price AH, Steele KA, Moore BJ, Barraclough PB, Clark LJ. Annu Rev Plant Physiol 35:299319, Rhodes D, Samaras Y (1994) Genetic control of osmoregulation in plants. Biochemical and molecular factors involved in the induction of processes to alleviate the detrimental impacts of water stress include transcription, stress responsive genes like TaNAC69 (wheat), AP37 & OSNAC10 (rice), NF-YB2 (maize) and abscisic acid [16]. Shafiqul Islam and Md. Thirdly, the value of improving the use of absorbed light, resistance to photoinhibition and capacity for nonphotochemical quenching to improve drought resistance of rice has been described (Horton, 2000). If this research is conducted in the context of genetic mapping on the model monocotyledon species, and/or combined with gene array technology, the outcomes may be even greater. Crop Sci 30:622627, Araus JL, Slafer GA, Royo C, Serret MD (2008) Breeding for yield potential and stress adaptation in cereals. Biotropica 40:321331, Begg J, Turner N, Kramer P (1980) Morphological adaptations of leaves to water stress. Justification and a strategy for this integrated approach is described, which has relevance to the study of drought resistance in most crops. 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